Greenland J2F-4 Grumman “Duck” (BuNo V1640) Three-Man MIA Crew Repatriation

Mission Overview

FAVF will execute a highly technical late-August 2019 expedition to locate the remains of the 3 WWII airmen missing in action from within the WWII USCG J2F-4 Grumman “Duck” amphibious biplane that crashed in remote southeast Greenland on November 29th, 1942.

The aircraft flown by Lt. John Pritchard with radioman First Class Benjamin Bottoms was returning to the USCG Cutter Northland after rescuing Corporal Loren Howarth from a B-17 Flying Fortress that inadvertently flew onto the ice sheet in zero visibility. This limited mission will survey an area accessible only 3 weeks a year with an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) video and thermal imaging, a foot search and both a helicopter and UAV high sensitivity magnetometer search of an adjacent ice sheet.

J2F-4 Grumman "Duck" being lowered into the frigid waters of Greenland

Next Steps

A follow-up Spring 2020 mission is expected to conclude with the recovery of the crew.The Royal Danish Ministry of Defense Joint Arctic Command (JACO) will provide the in-kind generous support of a helicopter support ship and crew. Global UAV Technologies Ltd. and its sister Pioneer Exploration Consultants will provide UAV and helicopter high sensitivity vapor magnetometer remote sensing support. C.E.I.A. will provide military metal detectors capable of shallow and deep remote sensing or ferrous and non-ferrous metals. FAVF has conducted an exhaustive 9-year, in-depth data collection, extrapolation, and overlay of scientific data that resulted in a substantial narrowing of the search area. The aircraft is anticipated to be 40 to 160 feet below the surface of the ice sheet.

Population(s) Served

Veterans, Military personnel, Military families.

In order from left to right, Expedition Leader Lou Sapienza, Lt. John Prichard's sister Nancy, and husband J Rockland



Basecamp in Greenland